
Several sets of lecture notes and tutorials are available for download or on-line access:

Some downloadable Photoshop plug-ins and other goodies:

At several meetings in the US and overseas, I have been asked to present a plenary lecture on the characteristics of our human visual system and how it interacts with the images that are obtained from various kinds of microscopy (and other scientific images). The basic message is that humans are not very good observers, that our vision system ignores a lot of information, that having names and labels for recognized features is very important, and that we often think we see what we expect to see. After one recent presentation, urged on by several of the people at the conference, I have prepared a written version of the paper which was serialized in the Proceedings of the Royal Microscopy Society. It is about 25,000 words long, has more than 80 illustrations, and can be downloaded as a 6 MB Acrobat (pdf) file. In the presentation I include a few Quicktime movies, which are shown in the pdf file as single still frames. This is probably sufficient for the reader to understand the message, but if anyone wants the actual 600K of *.mov files they can also be downloaded (Figures 23, 27, 35 and 36).

Whether images are being used for scientific or forensic purposes, it is vital to understand how processing affects the perception or measurement of the scene. The ethics of what constitutes proper methods for image processing is something that must be considered. Here is my statement on this subject.

Page updated May 27, 2016

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